Cartridge Filter Replacement
UV Annual Servicing
Water System Consultation
Priority Client Scheduling
Pipe Flushing + Sanitisation
In Tank Groundwater Clarification
Property Management Service
Explore our additional water tank services, including filter replacements, site consultations, and pipe flushing.
Cartridge Filter Replacement We sell/replace all common water filters across most filtration systems to support your nice clean tank and water. In addition to filter replacements, we provide expert advice on water filtration installs, ensuring that your property is equipped with the most suitably designed system. Our goal is to educate and help you maintain a clean and safe water supply, while also ensuring your system operates at optimal performance.
UV Annual Service/Sales If you have a UV (Ultra Violet) filtration system installed, the bulb requires replacement annually. There are many different types of bulbs and UV systems on the market which we are able to service during your tank clean. Please advise us if this is required so we can ensure to have the correct bulb ready for your site. Our operators are fully trained in recommending a suitable UV or sediment filtration system, so feel free to have a chat with them! In most areas, we can recommend an installer for you.
Water System Consult/Upgrade Our team are really good at what we do. If you are new to tank water, or building a new premise supplied by tank water, have a chat with us! We see hundreds of water systems annually, so chances are, we can offer some great advice on what works, or what may not be a good idea. As part of our Site Consultation Service, preferably, one of our operators visits and inspects your current or proposed system. Alternatively, a phone consultation may help. From there, you choose what to implement, or simply understand how your system works.
Priority Client Scheduling Our priority scheduling ensures that our clients get the attention they need, when they need it. If your property is under management, or an Airbnb with guests rotating, or you simply have contaminated water, our team love what we do and are always delighted to help you. We keep a limited number of “emergency” time slots open each week and will try our best to help you within 48 hours, *365 days of the year. *May incur surcharges for travel, weekends, or public holidays.
Pipe Flushing + Sanitisation Often, particularly in the summer months when temperatures are warmer, sediment and/or foliage build up in any underground piping leading to your water tank, can start to compost causing your water storage to develop a strong sulphurous odour and/or discolouration. Generally, you would begin to notice this initially in the hot water as steam carries odours well. The water likely would start to taste bitter or metallic as bacteria multiply. We are able to flush clean and sanitise your pipe work to ensure the water flow remains unobstructed, safe, and odour-free into your tanks. As standard practice, our team performs a check while onsite for your tank clean and offers a solution if a problem is apparent.
In Tank Groundwater Clarification Your tank may become contaminated with groundwater, generally caused by a cracked pipe, pulled pipe joint, or any other breach of your pipe system. Groundwater in your tank water looks like a dirty roadside puddle! Clarification of the existing water is possible using a floccing agent to settle the suspended solids, causing the solids to form larger aggregates that fall to the tank bottom and then can be easily vacuumed to waste, in 3-4 days after the treatment. This service requires 2 site visits. On our second visit, the operator performs a full premium clean service. The water remains potable for use.
Property Water System Management Life gets busy! We will send you email reminders when your filters and/or UV are due to be changed, and annual reminders for checking or cleaning your tanks. This is a free service. We can also provide a "tank cleaning report" certificate for our services in the event your property is for sale or used for commercial purposes.
Preventive Sanitising As temperatures warm up into summer, bacteria like to multiply and organic matter begins to compost. Perhaps the seagulls find a snack and consume it on your roof, or the sparrows look for slaters in your gutterings. Regardless of the cause, a useful tip is to add a regular dose of sanitiser to your tank supply to keep your water fresh and tasty. We are able to action this as you wish, cost-effectively, when passing your property. Please enquire to set this up in our management system.